Kokushi Musou

Tasting summary for July 23, 2017

Brewery: Takasago Shuzo www.takasagoshuzo.com
Address : 17 Miyashita-dori, Asahikawa-shi, Hokkaido, 070-0030, Japan
Category: Daiginjo
Alcohol : 15% – 16%
Rice Variety: Yamada Nishiki
Polishing Ratio : 40%
SMV : +4.0
Acidity : 1.1
Features : This sake is dry and light-bodied with mellow aroma and rice-forward flavour.   Its aftertaste is crisp and refreshing.   The brewery makes use of Hokkaido’s cold winter conditions to produce sake in the ice dome. Daiginjo sake of this brand undergoes the filtration process that the traditional Drip Separation method is applied. Since the traditional method allows the most precise separation of filtration fractions, high quality sake with fine textures can be produced. Kokushi Musou Daiginjo sake makes good companion for sashimi and sushi.   It can pair with cooked fish too, as the sake reduces the intensity of saltiness and brings out the umami flavour of the food. This sake can be served chilled and warm. If you want to drink it warm, 50C is the best temperature; and it will be a good companion to grilled fish.
Price@LCBO: Not available at the LCBO stores

Tasting Notes : A Men’s Sake



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